Sunday, October 7, 2012

Et tu, Brucake?

Well, it's October, and all my draft posts with ideas and random vignettes have pretty much expired, so you're just getting this regular old post.  I've lost 5 pounds this week.  It hasn't been easy avoiding stuff.  Tuesday was a staff meeting complete with vast amounts of sweet desserts including my most favorite candy of all time.  Bottle Caps.  I love them so much, I think they can even be called my "most favoritest."  I took the box, but, it's still over half full and I've been giving it away to people to eat some, too.

So, yeah, I've been dieting, which I hate to do, but, really, I was just in a funk and had nothing better to do with my life than see how much weight I can lose in six months.  I'm already down 5 pounds, so I'm thinking I'll be super model skinny before you even know it.

But don't worry.  I still managed to make some cutey cupcakes today.

Randomly, it's Clergy Appreciation Month, and I'm trying to come up with the perfect cupcake to give to my ministry team at church.  I go to a Lutheran Church, so they have this thing about wearing red on Reformation Sunday, and I think I might go with Red Velvet cupcakes.  Last year, I did little Halloween one.  They were tasty, but also, generic.  Sooooo... If anyone knows of the best red velvet recipe ever, I'm taking submissions in the comments below. 

So, on to today.

A few days ago, I was in Kroger.  And I came across these killer cupcake decorations... literally...

Wilton always tempts me to make cupcakes with their kitchy little decorations for the holidays, and I can usually resist, but , DAMN, these were too awesome...

Royal Icing Knife Decorations by Wilton.

Aren't they adorable in that sorta twisted way?

So I bought them.

But I couldn't eat cupcakes because I'm calorie counting or some bupkiss like that.

Then I remembered the one point cupcake.  You take a cake mix, usually the "low sugar variety" and mix it with a 12 ounce diet beverage.  Voila!  50 calorie cupcake!

So I whipped up these cupcakes. 

And I frosted them with 3/4 tablespoons of light, whipped, frosting (40 calories)

And I got Red decorating gel, and I used gel icing color in copper to make the candy apple red a little bloodier.  And...

TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cake mix didn't make a full 2 dozen cupcakes, so there were extra daggers.  So I made an e, tu, Brucake.  Let that sink in for a moment.

Yeah, there we go. 


Then Fall, Caesar... 

And in life news, I'm in the praise band at my church as a rotating vocalist.  There are 4ish of us who rotate in and out with the regulars.  Today I am just beginning the upswing on my recovery from laryngitis.  And I was pretty much sotto voce to put it nicely.  (In my technical terms, I sounded like peter brady when it was time to change).

I didn't want to tank the couple of female vocals heavy songs we did today, so I said a little prayer that my voice would recover long enough for church.

It didn't happen.  It was reedy.  And gravelly, and I had trouble sustaining notes for any decent amount of time.  

So I was disappointed that I didn't get my prayer answered :o(

And then, people came up to me and told me how great it sounded.  So...

obviously it was much easier for God to much with their ears than cause super vocal healing.  And now I know next time to just be like "Lord, let them hear Mariah Carey though I be William Hung.  Amen"  And He'll make it so.

The End.

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