Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Cooking With Grace

 Have you ever had a dream about someone you know you had no right to dreaming of anymore?  Like, this person is so far out of a part of your life, that you actively do not pursue any thoughts of them.  I guess the thing is, that is why your subconscious suddenly  brings them up into the forefront. And then you have all of those fun “what ifs“ to spin out.

Being reminded of people like that, generally leads me into periods of Great creativity. Like, I write.   So, true to fashion, here I am writing in this blog that I haven’t touched in a long time. Only, I’m not going to waste my time writing silly romcom mystery novels with the what if starring in a leading role. I really don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.

So instead, Ithought that I would take a little time to catch you up, dear reader, on my life thus far.

 I bought a house. I don’t know if it was because of a midlife crisis or whatever but I bought a house. And now my life is all mortgages and insurance and things that I don’t really like to think about because It really reinforces the idea that I am, in fact, an adult.  And I hate that idea.  But, yeah, I bought a house and I don’t actually regret it; not a little bit.

I’m taking the blog in a new direction this summer. While I fully intend to get back to my baking escapades, now that I have a glorious kitchen Of my own to  bake in, I will also be attempting to do something about the massive collections of recipes my grandmother accrued in her later life.

My grandmother was stricken with GPS in the early 2000‘s. It’s a debilitating disease it usually leads to some form of paralysis, and in a lot of cases, at least, the patient is bedridden for the rest of their life. They also struggle with things because it is an auto immune.  Grandma passed away in 2013.   It took a long time to be the point we could go through her stuff.  She was such a part of our lives.

We always teased her about the amount of recipes she collected. She would cut them out of magazines, newspapers, printed off the Internet, pull them out of advertisements instead of the coupons.  She collected recipes.   She amasseda collection that it would take like 5000 chefs working every day for 30 years to be able to cook even percentage of them.

The thing is, some of these recipes sound absolutely god awful, like, I would never even touch Them. Some of the recipes don’t sound half bad and I decided that I was going to have, in addition to my baking exploits, a part of my blog that I would dedicate to cooking with Grace. My grandmother’s name was Grace. I thought it was a nice play on words. And since grandma was no doubt like the most enthusiastic of my family about my Baking, most likely because she was the only one who was not ever roped into helping me clean up after my baking adventures, I decided that I would like to spend some time communing with her in this way.  Just like I collect dessert recipes on Pinterest, she cut them out in real life, and she never got to make them, so I’m going to make them.

So starting this summer, in addition to rebooting the blog, and baking again, I’m going to be cooking. Which is not my strong suit, but I have a lot of guidance in the form of like, hundreds of 1970s Womans Day recipes.

 As always, I do love feedback.  Also, this blog is mildly monetized with advertisements to help me cover the cost of one bag of sugar over the course of the year, honestly, because I only get a fraction of a penny per year, but you know...I have ads.

So I guess you’ll hear from me again before the end of the week.

Thank you, dear Reader, for being there.

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